Movers of the Day 23-Dec-2023


Tokens and coins that moved the most in the last 24 hours:

Top movers of the day are Boba Network and Moonriver which has surged 131.66% since morning. Boba Network is 31.76% higher.

Most cryptocurrencies finished the day higher as illustrated by an adjacent chart showing the movement of the NWSBCT Index (Blue Chips) over the past 24 hours. The large caps measured by 2100NEWS 100 Large Cap Index (NWSL100) ended +2.18%. Our main 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100) ended +0.61%. On the other hand Bitcoin and Ether ended the day lower: BTC -0.03%, ETH -0.66%.

The criteria upon which these specific cryptocurrencies and indices have been highlighted are detailed in supplemental notes. The provided data offers a snapshot of the last 24 hours until midnight. Therefore, it may not accurately represent the current market conditions at the time of your inquiry.



Boba Network (BOBA)

2100NEWS ranking: 397 Small cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSS300
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 10.2 (Average for Small caps: 9.9)

Boba is an L2 Ethereum scaling & augmenting solution built by the Enya team as core contributors to the OMG Foundation. Boba is a next-generation Ethereum Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup scaling solution that reduces gas fees, improves transaction throughput, and extends the capabilities of smart contracts. Boba offers fast exits backed by community-driven liquidity pools, shrinking the Optimistic Rollup exit period from seven days to only a few minutes, while giving LPs incentivized yield farming opportunities.



Moonriver (MOVR)

2100NEWS ranking: 339, Small cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSS300, NWSCo100
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 13 (Average for Coins: 15.1)

Moonriver is the utility token of the Moonriver Network, Moonbeam’s Kusama deployment that serves as a “CanaryNet” to the Moonbeam Network. As such, the token utility behaviors on Moonriver will mirror that of Moonbeam. Moonbeam is a developer-oriented blockchain that strives to provide compatibility with the existing Ethereum developer toolchain and network. It does this by providing a full EVM implementation, a Web3-compatible API, and bridges that connect Moonbeam to existing Ethereum networks. This allows developers to deploy existing Solidity smart contracts and DApp frontends to Moonbeam with minimal changes. Supply and other token economic behaviors on Moonriver will be the same as on Moonbeam, but token distribution will be different to support the unique goals and attributes of the network. Moonriver will serve as a “CanaryNet” for Moonbeam, but it will also be a community-led experiment where the community will decide the direction it takes. Among other things, Moonriver used a large parachain crowdloan to obtain its initial parachain slot on Kusama.


Top movers of the day are Boba Network and Decentralized Social. Since midnight Boba Network has surged 88.62%, Decentralized Social is 18.28% higher. EthereumPoW has increased by 2.34%.

The crypto markets moved lower this morning. Since midnight 2100NEWS Indices which measure the performance of different groups of tokens and coins have fallen between 0.68% and 4.25%. Our main 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100) which measures the performance of the major 1100 crypto assets by market capitalization is 1.50% lower. Bitcoin has decreased by 0.50%, Ether by 1.20%.



Decentralized Social (DESO)

2100NEWS ranking: 273 Mid-cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSCo100
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 7.7 (Average for Mid caps: 13.3)

DeSo is a new type of blockchain designed to power Web 3.0 decentralized social networks. Since its inception in 2019, DeSo has aimed to solve the problems created by present social media centralization. Today, a handful of private companies effectively control public discourse, earning monopoly profits; meanwhile, the creators who actually produce the content are often underpaid and under-engaged. In contrast, DeSo’s social blockchain treats social media content as a public utility, making it permissionless and available to anyone. DeSo combines the paradigm of an open P2P financial system offered by cryptocurrencies with an efficient and scalable database infrastructure tailored to bring about the next generation of Web 3.0 social networks.



EthereumPoW (ETHW)

2100NEWS ranking: 136 Mid-cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSCo100, NWSDM100
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 14.8 (Average for Mid caps: 13.3)

EthereumPoW is a hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain with the Ethereum Merge. The Merge saw Ethereum transition to proof-of-stake while the forked version remains on proof-of-work. EthereumPoW is supported by people worldwide who prefer PoW to PoS or who simply want to keep both options (PoW and PoS) for builders and users on Ethereum. EthereumPoW has cloned the state of Ethereum at the block height of the Merge. That allows DApp developers and stablecoin issuers to choose which Ethereum chain they support — or copy the app states too, which would double the DApps and liquidity on Ethereum to EthereumPoW.


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We are the new economy news hub. 2100NEWS is the professional index, data, and tools provider in the digital asset space, offering Crypto Market Intelligence, providing the perspective you can trust and equipping you with information edge you need to stay ahead. (Real-time data of token issuers and news, analysis and commentary from community.) We are very excited to contribute to the evolution of the industry and build an ecosystem around our offering (the institutional-grade data infrastructure required to enable institutional investments in digital assets). We want our contributions (Contents and Tools on to be useful for helping investors.



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