Movers of the Day 1-Aug-2023
Tokens and coins that moved the most in the last 24 hours:
Top movers of the day are Amp and Efinity Token. Since 7 pm Amp has increased by 4.75%, Efinity Token has increased by 3.79%. Maker DAO is 3.40% higher.
In the evening the crypto markets almost came back to the levels as they started the day. The large caps represented by 2100NEWS 100 Large Cap Index (NWSL100) ended +0.35%. Their movement can be seen on the adjacent NWSLT chart over the past 24 hours. The mid caps measured by 2100NEWS 200 Mid Cap Index (NWSM200) ended +0.17%. On the other hand Bitcoin and Ether ended lower: BTC -0.13%, ETH -0.40%. 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100) ended -0.05%.
Please read the notes to find out by what criteria they have been selected. The market information provided only reflects the state of the market up to midnight in the last 24 hours. Therefore, it may not accurately represent the current market conditions at the time of your inquiry.
Efinity Token (EFI)
2100NEWS ranking: 551, Small cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSS300 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Extremely Weak, Score: 3.9 (Average for Small caps: 9.8) |
Efinity is a cross-chain NFT platform developed by Enjin and built on Polkadot. According to the project, efinity was created as the next-generation blockchain for digital assets to adapt to the challenges of the world of non-fungible tokens. The main specialization of the Efinity project is the NFT space. With the protocol, traders and gamers can create, distribute, transfer, sell, and buy NFTs. Efinity aims to remove barriers to entry into the NFT space/decentralized gaming and simplify user experience and digital asset governance. Efinity Token powers the entire Efinity ecosystem; EFI aims to prioritize the generation, transfer, and purchase of tokens using an inter-chain infrastructure of protocols resulting in lower transaction fees. As incentives, rewards on PoW blockchains with NFT functionality go to miners who create/trade tokens, forming a community. One of the long-term goals of Efinity is to become a hub for both fungible and non-fungible tokens, accepting tokens from any other chain, facilitating the pricing and exchange of NFTs, increasing transaction volume, and creating network effects.
Top movers of the day at 19:10 are Amp and COTI. Since 2 pm Amp has increased by 10.86%, COTI is 9.07% higher. The crypto markets trended sideways. In the last 24 hours the large caps represented by 2100NEWS 100 Large Cap Index (NWSL100) have fallen by 1.14%. 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100) is 1.22% lower. Bitcoin has decreased by 1.12%, Ether even 1.57%.
Amp (AMP)
2100NEWS ranking: 181, Mid-cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSET100, NWSDM100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 12.6 (Average for Ethereum-based Tokens: 16) |
Amp is the new digital collateral token offering instant, verifiable assurances for any kind of value transfer. Using Amp, networks like Flexa can quickly and irreversibly secure transactions for various asset-related use cases. Amp claims to offer a straightforward but versatile interface for verifiable collateralization through a system of collateral partitions and collateral managers. Where collateral partitions can be designated to collateralize any account, application, or even transaction and carry balances directly verifiable on the Ethereum blockchain, collateral managers are smart contracts that can lock, release, and redirect collateral in these partitions as needed to support value transfer activities. Amp supports a wide variety of use cases for collateralization and also introduces the concept of predefined partition strategies, which can enable special capabilities such as collateral models through which tokens can be staked without ever leaving their original address.
The day’s top movers (at 2 pm) are Trust Wallet Token and Bone ShibaSwap. Qtum has risen by 7.47% since 9 am. The cryptocurrency market is currently facing a significant downturn, primarily driven by the Curve incident, which has had a cascading effect on mainstream DeFi tokens, leading to sharp declines across the market. Several key indicators highlight the overall negative sentiment prevailing in the crypto space. Here are the important details to consider: The NWSBCT Index for Blue Chips, which represents Blue Chips in the crypto space, has suffered a setback. The 2100NEWS Indices, which track the performance of various groups of tokens and coins, report losses ranging from 0.18 to 1.29% since midnight. This indicates a widespread bearish trend across different crypto assets. The 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100), reflecting the overall market sentiment by tracking the performance of 1100 significant cryptocurrencies based on their market capitalization, has fallen by 1.92% over the last 24 hours. This decline in the Total Index adds to the prevailing negative sentiment in the crypto market. Bitcoin and Ether have also witnessed significant price drops. Bitcoin’s price has declined by 1.79%, and Ether’s has dropped by 1.95% over the last 24 hours.
Qtum (QTUM)
2100NEWS ranking: 84, Large-cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSL100, NWSCo100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 19.8 (Average for Large-caps: 18.4) |
Qtum is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) smart contract blockchain platform and value transfer protocol. In PoS, node operators are rewarded for validating transactions. Qtum is built on Bitcoin’s UTXO transaction model, with the added functionality of smart contract execution.
The day’s top movers (at 9 am) were Bitcoin Gold and Polymath. FTX Token rose by 5.91% since midnight. The crypto market was experiencing a downturn, with key indicators reflecting an overall negative sentiment. It is important to note the following details:
- The NWSBCT Index for Blue Chips, which represents Blue Chips in the crypto space, has taken a hit.
- The 2100NEWS Indices, which track the performance of various groups of tokens and coins, report losses ranging from 0.27 to 1.33% since midnight. This indicates a widespread bearish trend across different crypto assets.
- The 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100), reflecting the overall market sentiment by tracking the performance of 1100 significant cryptocurrencies based on their market capitalization, has seen a fall of 1.87% over the last 24 hours. This drop in the Total Index further reinforces the negative sentiment in the crypto market.
- Bitcoin’s price has dropped by 1.61%, and Ether’s has declined by 1.78% over the last 24 hours.
FTX Token (FTT)
2100NEWS ranking: 109, Mid-cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSTo100, NWSET100, NWSDM100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 16 (Average for Tokens: 16.3) |
FTX is owned by FTX Trading LTD, a company incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda. Alameda Research, a cryptocurrency liquidity provider, incubated FTX. On November 11, 2022, and November 14, 2022, FTX Trading Ltd. and 101 affiliated debtors (collectively, the “Debtors”) each filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. Exhibit(s) (Notice of Filing Hearing Presentation) Filed by FTX Trading Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)
Polymath (POLY)
2100NEWS ranking: 221, Mid-cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSDM100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 12.7 (Average for Mid-caps: 13.1) |
The Polymath Network is a blockchain-based system to coordinate and incentivizes participants to collaborate and launch financial products on the blockchain. The Polymath team aims to create a standard token protocol that embeds defined requirements into the tokens themselves to ease the primary issuance and secondary trading of blockchain securities tokens.
Bitcoin Gold (BTG)
2100NEWS ranking: 136, Mid-cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSCo100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 12.1 (Average for Coins: 15.4) |
BTG is a cryptocurrency with Bitcoin fundamentals, mined on common GPUs instead of specialty ASICs. ASICs tend to monopolize mining to a few big players, but GPU mining means anyone can mine again – restoring decentralization and independence. GPU mining rewards go to individuals worldwide instead of mainly to ASIC warehouse owners, recreating network effects that Bitcoin used to have.