Movers of the Day 11-Jul-2023
Tokens and coins that moved the most in the last 24 hours:
Top movers of the day are Ontology Gas and PlayDapp. Since 7 pm Ontology Gas has surged 57.72%, PlayDapp has increased by 12.97%.
Most cryptocurrencies finished the day higher as illustrated by an adjacent chart showing the movement of the NWSBCT Index (Blue Chips) over the past 24 hours. The non-Ethereum tokens represented by 2100NEWS NonEthereum Based Index (NWSOT50) ended +0.35%. 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100) ended +0.13%. Bitcoin ended +0.51% while Ether ended -0.37%.
Please read the notes to find out by what criteria they have been selected. The market information provided only reflects the state of the market up to midnight in the last 24 hours. Therefore, it may not accurately represent the current market conditions at the time of your inquiry.
Ontology Gas (ONG)
2100NEWS ranking: 317, Small cap Non-Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSS300, NWSOT50 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 13.8 (Average for Non-Ethereum-based Tokens: 13.9) |
Ontology is a high-performance, open-source blockchain specializing in digital identity and data. Ontology’s infrastructure supports robust cross-chain collaboration and Layer 2 scalability, offering businesses the flexibility to design a blockchain that suits their needs. With a suite of decentralized identity and data sharing protocols to enhance speed, security, and trust, Ontology’s features include ONT ID, a mobile digital ID application and DID use throughout the ecosystem, and DDXF, a decentralized data exchange and collaboration framework.
Top movers of the day at 19:10 are FTX Token and Ordinals. Since 2 pm FTX Token has surged 18.61% and Ordinals is 5.01% higher. Compound has increased by 1.78% while Acala Network has decreased by 8.45%. The crypto markets still trended sideways. In the last 24 hours the tokens built on Ethereum measured by 2100NEWS Ethereum Based Index (NWSET100) have increased by 1.16%. 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100) is 0.78% higher. Bitcoin has increased by 1.05% Ether only 0.10%.
FTX Token (FTT)
2100NEWS ranking: 103, Mid-cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSTo100, NWSET100, NWSDM100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 16 (Average for Tokens: 16.3) |
FTX is owned by FTX Trading LTD, a company incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda. Alameda Research, a cryptocurrency liquidity provider, incubated FTX. On November 11, 2022, and November 14, 2022, FTX Trading Ltd. and 101 affiliated debtors (collectively, the “Debtors”) each filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. Exhibit(s) (Notice of Filing Hearing Presentation) Filed by FTX Trading Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)
The day’s top movers (at 2 pm) are Cartesi and Acala Network, rising by 14.85% since 9 am. Over the last 24 hours, the cryptocurrency markets have maintained a steady course without significant price movements or volatility, indicating a sideways trend. This suggests that the market has been relatively stable during this period, with prices fluctuating within a narrow range. Here are the key details: The NWSBCT Index for Blue Chips shows a sideways trend in the cryptocurrency markets. Additionally, the 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100), which measures the performance of 1100 significant crypto assets based on their market capitalization, reveals a 0.83% rise. This indicates some growth in the overall cryptocurrency market, although the increase is relatively modest. Regarding Ether and Bitcoin, both experienced a modest price increase over the past 24 hours. Ether’s price rose by 0.24%, and Bitcoin’s price increased by 0.64%.
Acala Token (ACA)
2100NEWS ranking: 332, Small cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSS300, NWSCo100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 13.3 (Average for Coins: 15.3) |
Risk Warning: Acala Network suffered an exploit on 14 Aug 2022 where 1.2 bn aUSD tokens were minted without collateral. Please mind the risks and trade with caution.
Acala is a specialized stablecoin and liquidity blockchain that is decentralized, cross-chain by design, and future-proof with forkless upgradability. Acala stablecoin protocol uses a multi-collateral-backing mechanism to create a stablecoin soft-pegged to the US Dollar. The Acala stablecoin protocol is essentially a decentralized monetary reserve that creates a stable currency from a basket of reserve assets, where holders of the reserve assets can spend, trade, and access other services without price volatility while retaining their exposure to (without selling) the reserve assets.
The day’s top movers (at 9 am) were Cartesi and ThunderCore, surging by 26.00% since midnight. The cryptocurrency markets saw an increase in growth in the past 24 hours. Here are the essential details:
- NWSBCT Index for Blue Chips: The chart indicates a rise in the cryptocurrency markets. This suggests that significant cryptocurrencies classified as “blue chips” have shown positive performance.
- 2100NEWS Indices: These indices track the performance of various groups of tokens and coins. The data shows modest gains ranging from 0.07% to 0.51% since midnight.
- 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100): This index measures the performance of 1100 significant crypto assets based on their market capitalization. It has surged by 2.23% over the last 24 hours. This indicates an overall growth in the cryptocurrency market and provides a broader view of its performance.
- Ether and Bitcoin: Both Ether and Bitcoin experienced a rise in their prices, with Ether increasing by 1.70% and Bitcoin by 1.82% over the past 24 hours.
ThunderCore (TT)
2100NEWS ranking: 339, Small cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSS300, NWSCo100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 14.1 (Average for Coins: 15.3) |
ThunderCore combines high performance with decentralized trust. Made possible by years of rigorous academic research, ThunderCore is an EVM-compatible public blockchain that offers higher throughput, faster confirmation times, and lower costs to make it quick and easy for DApps to deploy and scale. Thunder Token is the native currency of the ThunderCore blockchain, and Thunder Token is to ThunderCore what Ether is to Ethereum.
Cartesi (CTSI)
2100NEWS ranking: 164, Mid-cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSET100, NWSDM100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 17.3 (Average for Ethereum-based Tokens: 15.9) |
Cartesi is building an operating system for dApps. The project enables complex and intensive computations to run in a Linux environment, outside the blockchain, without compromising decentralization. Cartesi aims to make dApps significantly more powerful, cost-effective, easier to develop, and portable. The goal is to bring mainstream productivity to developers and a satisfying experience for users.