Movers of the Day 24-Jan-2023
Tokens and coins that moved the most in the last 24 hours:
Top movers of the day are Threshold and Keep Network. Since 7 pm Threshold has increased by 7.13%, Keep Network 3.29%.
In the evening the crypto markets continued to go down and finished the day in red. Today’s crypto market movement is illustrated by an adjacent chart showing the movement of the NWSBCT Index (Blue Chips) over the past 24 hours. 2100NEWS Indices ended between -0.95% and -4.43% (NWSCo100). 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100) ended -3.10%. Bitcoin ended -0.68%, Ether ended -3.89%.
Please read the notes to find out which criteria have been selected.
Threshold (T)
2100NEWS ranking: 181, Mid-cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSET100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 14 (Average for Ethereum-based Tokens: 15.3) |
Threshold cryptography is a revolutionary technology that uses cryptography to unlock greater utility and usability for digital assets without needing to trust a centralized party. Threshold cryptography distributes sensitive operations across multiple independent entities – like nodes in a network – and requires a threshold or a minimum number of those entities to cooperate for the operation to be successful.
Top mover of the day at 19:10 is Audius which has surged 15.62% since 2 pm. Crust Network has increased by 2.86%. Most cryptocurrencies went down in the afternoon. Since 2 pm the large caps measured by 2100NEWS 100 Large Cap Index (NWSL100) have fallen by 1.15%. 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100) is 0.70% lower. Bitcoin has decreased by 0.33%, Ether 0.79%.
Audius (AUDIO)
2100NEWS ranking: 163, Mid-cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSTo100, NWSET100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 11 (Average for Tokens: 15.7) |
Audius is a decentralized music-sharing and streaming protocol that facilitates direct transactions between listeners and creators, giving everyone the freedom to distribute, monetize, and stream audio content. The protocol consists of (1) Discovery nodes that index the Audius content ledger and provide an easily query-able interface for retrieving metadata; (2) Content nodes to host content and permission access to content on behalf of artists; (3) Content ledger as a single source of truth for all data accessible within the Audius protocol, anchoring references to content hosted by content nodes.
The day’s top movers (at 2 pm) are Threshold and Audius. NuCypher has soared 50.04% since 9 am. The crypto markets have trended sideways. On the day, the 2100NEWS Indices, which measure the performance of various groups of tokens and coins, reported gains between 0.08% and 2.69%. Over the last 24 hours, the 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100), which measures 1100 significant (by market capitalization) crypto assets’ performance, has risen 0.26% and Bitcoin by 0.21%, while Ether has fallen 0.54%.
NuCypher (NU)
2100NEWS ranking: 161, Mid-cap Ethereum-based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSTo100, NWSET100, NWSDM100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 14.6 (Average for Tokens: 15.7) |
NuCypher KMS aims to provide encryption and cryptographic access controls without reliance on a central service provider. It leverages proxy re-encryption technology to allow the re-keying of encrypted data. This allows a decentralized network of nodes to provide key management operations without accessing private keys or plaintext data. The NuCypher network provides accessible, intuitive, extensible runtimes and interfaces for secret management and dynamic access control. The network is permissionless and censorship-resistant. There are no gatekeepers, and anyone can use them. The network leverages the classic cryptological narrative of Alice and Bob (with additional characters where appropriate). This character-based narrative permeates the code base and helps developers write safe, misuse-resistant code. The network currently supports proxy re-encryption but can be extended to support other cryptographic primitives.
The crypto markets rose. The day’s top movers (at 9 am) were Threshold and Keep Network. ICON has soared 32.32% since midnight. On the day, the 2100NEWS Indices, which measure the performance of various groups of tokens and coins, reported gains between 0.54% and 2.52%. Over the last 24 hours, the 2100NEWS Total Index (NWST1100), which measures 1100 significant (by market capitalization) crypto assets’ performance, has risen 1.73%, Bitcoin by 1.56%, and Ether by 0.06%.
2100NEWS ranking: 115, Mid-cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSM200, NWSCo100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 17.9 (Average for Coins: 15.5) |
The ICON project is developing a globally distributed network. In the ICON system, independent blockchains with different governances can transact with one another with no intervention from any intermediaries. Dozens of reputable institutions are available in the system, such as banks, securities, insurance, hospitals, universities, and more. Users can make a new blockchain project and participate in the network. ICON’s decentralized applications (DAPPs), such as Blockchain ID and Payment & Exchange, can benefit current and future communities. For example, Blockchain ID published by the financial securities community can be utilized for ID verification in all other communities. In other words, when hospitals release ICX, it can be accepted for payment & exchange in all other communities.