March 2, 20184min3080

Blockchain and politics in European union| Event recap

On Wednesday, 28.2.2018, there was a great blockchain event in Ljubljana, Slovenia at the faculty of social sciences. It was called Blockchain and politics: opportunity or threat. On the panel were four speakers from a Ph.D. economist to the main staffer of ministry for public administration. The main topic of discussion was the role government was supposed to take in this crazy new environment.



The event was well prepared and therefore also well attended. For which is certainly at fault the Globallis-student organization and Society of European students who were the organizers of the event. On the panel were Domen Božeglav, Secretary of Ministry for public administration, Ph.D. Marko Pahor, deputy dean and professor at the faculty of economics and columnist for, Vasja Veber, co-founder and COO of Viberate and last but not least Bojan Rajar, entrepreneur and member of blockchain community. The panel was moderated by Ph.D. Anže Burger.

The panel started with Bojan Rajar shortly explaining what is blockchain as technology. But the discussion quickly evolved and the potential of the technology was discussed. There was some tension between some members on where actually is the limit of it and realization possibility of the potential ideas and projects.

By far the most anticipated topic was about the role of the government within the crypto environment. What they should do, how they should do it and so on. What surprised me was that I hear people all the time criticising the government. They claim it makes almost harder to do business or pretty much anything with all the regulation. Now here we have something new, clean, untouched by the government and people are the one demanding regulation. This makes no sense to me. If there are no rules, that is a rule by itself and if you don’t like it, nobody is forcing you to be there. So why are you demanding it to change? Most surprising to me it was the stance of the representative of the Ministry. They don’t want to regulate. The reason being with that they would create a filter and fewer projects would start because now the difficulty to enter the market would be raised and some potential great projects that are now in top 20 maybe with regulation wouldn’t even start. This is just mine ”2 cents”.

Following the panel, there was time for questions. They were apart from the couple all about the previous topic of how will the government be implemented. Some weren’t even questions. For a while there was an open discussion and advice about what terms to use when talking with the officials because this could immensely impact the outcome role the government was to take. Kind of we has the ability to control what role it would take by creating a position or space, if you will, for it.

After the questions came Globallis representative, Patrik Bole with a short greet an official ending of the event and the start of networking.


Events recap:

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