April 16, 20208min949

Token highlights: Status


SNT (Status) as Large-cap Token is 66th in the 2100NEWS ranking. The quality of the order book of SNT is Ordinary. The average quality of the order book for large caps members of the NWSL100 index is 14. What is the true value criterion in the crypto world?

*Among all, the price is always at the forefront. By comparing with the index, we can gauge the price-performance with similar digital assets that are members of the index. Considering an investor’s point of view, peer comparison should be efficient and effective. We present you tokens that are worth keeping in mind.


About token

SNT has been launched in 52 exchanges. Through ICO in June 2017, Status raised $100 million.

Status as Large-cap Token is 66th in 2100NEWS ranking (after Index Review of 10th April 2020). It is an Index member: NWST1100, NWSL100, NWSTo100, NWSET100.

2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 12, (Average for Large caps: 14)

Over the past week, the average market cap was $56.5 million, average daily volume was $13.7 million.



In this paragraph, we will look at how the market, with price changes, evaluates project progress. It seems important to us if the project is out of the ordinary tide of crypto project prices. To make peer comparison we gauged the SNT (Status) with 2100NEWS Digital Assets 100 Large Cap Index (NWSL100). Looking at the chart below, at the top we can see the SNT vs. NWSL100, in the middle of the chart is the original SNT price, at the bottom of the chart are NWSL100 and correlation between SNT and NWSL100. On average (purple area graph), the SNT to NWSL100 ratio has shown that SNT has grown and beaten the NWSL100. It has soared by 76% vs. NWSL100 in the last four months. However, the correlation graph gives us an explanation that the correlation is not strong (Pearsons correlation coefficient = 0.52). SNT was moving in the same direction as the NWSL100 but in the rebound, it was growing faster. So, it has been an ordinary representative of the NWSL100 index in terms of price changes.

According to Etherscan, ownership is quite dispersed. There are 76,178 token holders (at the time of this article’s writing).


2100NEWS observation:

In 2019, they achieved that application supports multiple wallets in one account. For greater privacy they separated chat and wallet keys. They launched the DApp Integration Center – a step-by-step guide for developers on optimizing their DApps for Status in Q3 2019. The mobile app which provides seamless access to a peer-to-peer messenger with private and public channels, a secure crypto wallet, and secure Web3 browser was launched in February 2020. They invest heavily in communications with the community. They have 110.3K followers at Twitter.


About Status – what they do

Status is a multi-purpose communication tool that combines a peer-to-peer messenger, decentralized crypto-wallet, and Web3 browser.

Sovereign communities need uncensored, private and secure communication to organize. Messaging offers a promising road to the adoption of Ethereum because of its suitability for mobile use. This in turn can pave the way to making payment networks and other decentralized applications accessible to more communities.

Ultimately Status is much more than a messenger. Combining asset management with the crypto wallet and access to a world of decentralized applications through the web3 browser, it is a communication tool in the broadest sense.

The Status browser is designed to keep the end user informed and their funds safe. Browser Privacy mode is enabled by default. This means that DApps will be required to ask permission before connecting to your wallet, and it may cause some DApps to break (if they are not compatible with this security measure).


General information

Founded in 2017, Status is based in Switzerland with team distributed across the world. they don’t have hierarchy, there are no offices and no managers. The founders are Jarrad Hope and Carl Bennetts.



Exchanges: Alterdice, Bancor Network, Binance, Binance JEX, Bione, Bitfinex, Bithumb, Bitkub, Bitrue, Bitsdaq, Bittrex, Bitvavo, BW.com, CHAOEX, Coinbit, CoinEx, CoinTiger, Crex24, Dex-Trade, DragonEX, ExtStock, Fatbtc, Folgory, Gate.io, GOPAX, HCoin, HitBTC, Huobi Global, Huobi Korea, Huobi Russia, IDCM, IDEX, KuCoin, Kyber Network, LATOKEN, LiteBit.eu, Livecoin, MXC, OKEx, OKEx Korea, Omgfin, P2PB2B, Poloniex, Radar Relay, RightBTC, Tidex, TOPBTC, Uniswap, Upbit, WazirX, ZB.COM, ZG.com.


Website:    https://status.im/

You can follow them:     Github     Reddit     Twitter


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The Crypto Highlights are considered the opinion of 2100NEWS and the material is for informational purposes only and 2100NEWS is not soliciting any action based upon such material. The material is not to be construed as an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell a security nor is it to be construed as investment advice. At the time of this article’s writing, the author did not hold any tokens SNT.

About us

We are the new economy news hub. 2100NEWS is the professional index, data, and tools provider in the digital asset space, offering Crypto Market Intelligence, providing the perspective you can trust and equipping you with information edge you need to stay ahead. (Real-time data of token issuers and news, analysis and commentary from community.) We are very excited to contribute to the evolution of the industry and build an ecosystem around our offering (the institutional-grade data infrastructure required to enable institutional investments in digital assets). We want our contributions (Contents and Tools on 2100NEWS.com) to be useful for helping investors.



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