Movers of the Day
Tokens and coins that moved the most in the last 24 hours:
Top movers of the day are Streamr DATAcoin and Electra, Since the morning Streamr DATAcoin has increased by 44,01% while Electra has fallen by 22.94%. Today was a good day for tokens and coins. The tokens with large-cap moved the most: since 11 am 2100NEWS Digital Assets 100 Large Cap Index (NWSL100) which measures their performance has increased by 2.78%. Bitcoin and Ethereum also went up: Bitcoin by 0.78%; Ethereum even by 1.72%.
Streamr DATAcoin(DATA)
Streamr is a usage token on the Streamr network and a payment token on the Streamr marketplace. Streamr provides a complete system to create unstoppable real-time data apps, even without writing code. Currently, the valuable data one produce is at the mercy of large corporations. This coin can be used to buy, sell through a decentralized peer-to-peer network.
Brickblock (BBK)
Brickblock is building a new blockchain-based solution for investing in exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate funds (REFs), passive coin-traded funds (CTFs) and active coin managed funds (CMFs). Through the effective use of smart contracts, order and issuing fees can be reduced to a fraction of traditional costs.
Top movers of the day are BlockMason Credit Protocol and Gas. Since midnight BlockMason Credit Protocol has increased by 22.30% while Gas has fallen by 10.80%. Through the night the tokens and coins fell slightly. The little-ones fell the most: since midnight 2100NEWS Digital Assets 500 MicroCap Index (NWSMi500) which measure the performance of tokens with market cap from $0.5 million to $3 million USD has decreased by 0.96%. Bitcoin and Ethereum made significant moves in the different ways. Since midnight Bitcoin has dropped by 1.58% while Ethereum has surged by 3.20%.
BlockMason Credit Protocol (BCPT)
With the Credit Protocol, BlockMason has taken the next logical step in the decentralized economy: democratizing the creation of credit. Debt and credit are already potent financial tools, and now they will be strengthened by the security and flexibility of the blockchain.
Cryptaur (CPT)
Cryptaur is a decentralized Ethereum-based ecosystem that will act as a framework for potentially unlimited number of specialized P2P services (dApps) whereby suppliers and consumers of a most diverse range of goods and services can interact directly while increasing the economic efficacy of all transactions being made within the ecosystem.
CyberMiles (CMT)
At CyberMiles, our mission is to build a decentralized ecosystem for e-commerce. Much of this work is to design and implement an economic system. The network must be able to attract a diverse group of participants to share resources in order to truly achieve network effect. Core to the CyberMiles design is economic incentives provided by the CyberMiles Token.