Movers of the Day
Here are top 5 tokens that moved the most in the last 24hours:
Bibox Token (BIX) $1,01 USD (18,11%) 0,00012435 BTC (20,79%)
BIX was featured in article Top 5 best cryptocurrencies to watch for June 2018
In December we did a call to buy KuCoin shares. On that call, we made 3500% in just one month. KuCoin token went up all the way to around 20$. Too bad the bear market killed the hype around KuCoin. At this moment we like the Bibox token. At the moment Bibox does around twice the volume as the KuCoin Exchange. When you hold Bibox token in your Bibox account you will earn a passive income. This passive income comes from 30% of the revenue of Bibox. So it could pay off to hold a big stack of BIX tokens.
Quantstamp (QSP) $0,190756 USD (10,20%) 0,00002347 BTC (12,71%)
Co-Editor of The Palm Beach Letter, Teeka Tiwari pick of the month may is QSP.
Better report from Teeka this time. Comparing $QSP to Verisign (leader in website security). Saying $QSP price could reach $16 per token if they get up to the Verisign price. Current price around $0.20 so that's a potential x80 and a potential $10B market cap. See attached!
— CryptoPajeet (@Crypto_Pajeet) May 17, 2018
Delphy (DPY) $2,15 USD (10,03%) 0,00026510 BTC (13,04%)
Plan of the week according to medium post:
- Front-end optimization of Delphy official web application
- Deployment of front-end of web application
- Optimize the statistical queries of individual prediction accuracy
- Optimize comments function
- Logical optimization at user initialization
SmartMesh (SMT) $0,070541 USD (7,65%) 0,00000868 BTC (10,10%)
No info.
Ink (INK) $0,185312 USD (7,27%) 0,00002288 BTC (10,19%)
Ink Labs Foundation partnered with
Ink Labs Foundation partnered with to open the cross-chain transfer of QRC 20 INK token →ERC 20 INK token. @gate_io
— Ink Labs Foundation (@inklabsfound) May 18, 2018