2100NEWS Digital Assets Blue Chip Tradable Index (NWSBCT)
2100NEWS Digital Assets Blue Chip Tradable Index (NWSBCT)
The 2100NEWS Digital Assets Blue Chip Tradable Index is a market cap weighted index composed of coins and tokens to represent the crypto space—not necessarily the largest by market cap. There is no maximum number of included cryptocurrencies in the NWSBCT index.
The 2100news Digital Assets Blue Chip Tradable Index is a market cap-weighted index composed of coins and tokens to represent the crypto space—not necessarily the largest by market cap. There is no maximum number of included cryptocurrencies in the NWSBCT index.
The market capitalization of each member is calculated for each asset, then adjusted to reflect the publicly available amount (float) of each asset available today. There are no limits set on the weight of any individual constituent. The market cap of each asset spans from $200 million to $200 billion USD.
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