The 2100NEWS NWSBCT CETF Token is a blockchain-based unit of value that is pegged to digital assets and 100% backed by a basket of crypto assets on Iconomi who holds digital assets. More about CETF Tokens
The crypto scene is in a perpetual state of development. Evolution in personal finance is DeFi and numerous applications derived from the concept of decentralized finances. Aside from trading CETF Tokens on Limitlex, you can now start trading our tokens on UNISWAP.
Being able to quickly and securely exchange your crypto to crypto is important, which is why 2100NEWS listed CETF NWSLT Tokens on crypto swap protocol UNISWAP. You can now swap ETH for CETF NWSLT Tokens and vice versa any time and in a matter of seconds, securely and without third parties.
The crypto scene is in a perpetual state of development. Evolution in personal finance is DeFi and numerous applications derived from the concept of decentralized finances. Anyone can replenish liquidity in the contracts by contributing liquidity to the pools, he would have to add both CETF Tokens and Ether (ETH) at their current ratio to the Uniswap exchange contract.
Key Advantage of Liquidity Pools in DeFi is that Liquidity Providers earn passive income.
CETF Tokens pools are created on Uniswap:
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