Movers of the Day 4-May-2021
Tokens and coins that moved the most in the last 24 hours:
Top movers of the day are Atari Token and Dogecoin which has increased by 14.26% since 8 pm. Ethereum Classic has surged 19.46%, Atari Token is 11.36% higher.
Most tokens and coins finished the day lower. The crypto market movement is illustrated by an adjacent chart showing the movement of the NWSBCT Index (Blue Chips) over the past 72 hours. The tokens built on Ethereum measured by 2100NEWS DA Ethereum Based Index (NWSET100) ended -2.33%. Bitcoin ended -3.68%, Ether ended -1.58%.
To find out based on which criteria have been selected, please read the notes.
Ethereum Classic (ETC)
2100NEWS ranking: 31, Large cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSL100, NWSCo100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Ordinary, Score: 18.4, (Average for Large caps: 17.9) |
Ethereum Classic is a decentralized blockchain platform that lets anyone build and use decentralized applications that run on blockchain technology. Like Bitcoin, no one controls or owns Ethereum Classic – it is an open-source project built by people around the world. Unlike the Bitcoin protocol, Ethereum Classic was designed to be adaptable and flexible. It is easy to create new applications on the Ethereum Classic platform.
Top movers of the day at 20:10 are PEAKDEFI and Cartesi. Since 3 pm PEAKDEFI has surged 38.73% and Cartesi 22.90%. In the afternoon the crypto markets went down significantly. Since 3 pm 2100NEWS DA Indexes have decreased between 1.12% and 5.23%. 2100NEWS Digital Assets Total Index (NWST1100) is 2.59% lower. Bitcoin and Ether have fallen more than 3%: BTC -3.17%, ETH -3.34%.
2100NEWS ranking: 749, Micro cap Ethereum based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSMi500 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 3.7, (Average for Micro cap: 4.8) |
PEAKDEFI is a decentralized asset management fund, created to connect investors and asset managers for capital growth.
The top movers of the day (at 3 pm) are Ethernity Chain and Dogecoin; it has risen by 10.34% since 11 am. Ether has soared +10.37%, but the crypto markets did not follow. At the same timespan, the 2100NEWS Digital Assets Total Index (NWST1100), which measures 1100 (by market capitalization) major crypto assets’ performance, has risen by 0.75%, while Bitcoin has dropped by 4.18%.
Dogecoin (DOGE)
2100NEWS ranking: 7, Bluechip, Index member: NWST1100, NWSL100, NWS30, NWSCo100, NWSDM100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Extremely Weak, Score: 11.9, (Average for Blue chips: 22.4) |
Dogecoin is an open-source, peer-to-peer digital currency favored by Shiba Inus worldwide. Dogecoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency that enables you to send money online easily. Think of it as “the internet currency.” One of the most popular uses for Dogecoin is “tipping” fellow internet-goers who create or share great content. Think of it as a more meaningful “like” or upvote, with real value that can be used all across the internet.
The top movers of the day (at 11 am) are Waves and Ethernity Chain; it has surged by 20.82% since midnight. The crypto markets have trending sideways. On the day, the 2100NEWS DA Indexes, which measure the performance of various groups of tokens and coins, reported losses down to -3.09%. Over the last 24 hours, the 2100NEWS Digital Assets Total Index (NWST1100), which measures 1100 (by market capitalization) major crypto assets’ performance, has fallen by 0.12%, Bitcoin has dropped by 4.06%, while Ether has soared 5.57%.
Ethernity Chain (ERN)
2100NEWS ranking: 753, Microcap Ethereum based Token, Index member: NWST1100, NWSMi500 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Poor, Score: 3, (Average for Microcap: 4.8) |
Ethernity Chain is the native token of Ethernity Chain. Ethernity Chain is a community-oriented platform that produces limited edition authenticated NFTs and trading cards created by your favorite artists and endorsed by notable figures. Built on the Ethereum Network, it aims to build the biggest A-NFT library, reward its creators and raise funds for charitable causes forever. Its unique DEFI applications allow ERN token holders to farm rare A-NFTs and vote on proposals that will amend the Ethernity Chain ecosystem.
Waves (WAVES)
2100NEWS ranking: 42, Large-cap, Index member: NWST1100, NWSL100, NWSCo100 |
2100NEWS DA Orderbook Quality Evaluation Grade: Good, Score: 19.9, (Average for Large caps: 17.7) |
Waves is an open-source platform and decentralized environment for Web 3.0 applications, offering a wide range of purpose-designed tools for making the process of developing and running dApps easy and accessible.