General conditions of access to CEDGAR and its use
1. CEDGAR functionality
CEDGAR is a public electronic information dissemination system provided by the 2100News which, with the necessary prerequisites for its regular functioning via users’ standard software and via the Internet, at the following web address https://2100News.com caters for:
- browsing through public announcements by issuers on CEDGAR,
- browsing through Stock Exchange announcements regarding public announcements in the daily newspapers, as notified by issuers according to regulations, and
- browsing through other announcements by CEDGAR subscribers and by the Exchange for the public.
2. CEDGAR use authorisation
As a rule, CEDGAR is available 24 hours/day and all year long to any legal entity or physical person. All the data collected and published on CEDGAR, unless otherwise provided, is the property of the 2100News (2100News d. o. o., Ljubljana) which is a legal entity, and may not be used commercially or reproduced in any form whatsoever without an explicit written consent by the 2100News (2100News d. o. o., Ljubljana).
3. Legal nature of the contents of published announcements
All announcements published on CEDGAR, unless otherwise explicitly stated, do not express any offer or invitation for offer for sale or purchase of securities. With investment decisions regarding securities, all possible related risks must be taken into account; 2100News therefore recommends its users not to make any investment decisions merely on the basis of the information published but ask for an advice of authorised experts.
4. Disclaimer
As stipulated by 2100News is likewise not liable for reliability, accuracy and promptness of the announcements published on CEDGAR. However, the 2100News strives at all times to maintain the good business practice of publishing the announcements as they are delivered (by issuers, etc.), with regard to certain security mechanisms.
The 2100News and/or its employees also do not review, authorise or advertise in any way the contents of web sites available on CEDGAR via hyperlinks, and are not liable in any way regarding the access to web pages of third persons through CEDGAR website, regarding unavailability of data or access to CEDGAR web pages, unavailability of CEDGAR services or regarding any subsequent alterations in the conditions of CEDGAR use.
5. Duration of access of / to CEDGAR
In case of any technical difficulties or unavailability of the CEDGAR and its auxiliary CEDGARin services, the 2100News strives to maintain a minimum level of the CEDGAR functionality at a secondary location.
6. Publication of General conditions of access to CEDGAR and its use
The General conditions of access to CEDGAR and its use are available at the head office of the 2100News, at Dunajska 20, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and are published at the 2100News web site.
7. Privacy policy statement
The 2100News has prepared this statement to demonstrate its commitment to the respect of user privacy.
2100News collects certain information on the users of its website in its log, i.e. information about cookies, IP addresses and time and duration of the visit. On the basis of such information it is not possible to determine the individual user and thus these are not personal data as defined by the valid legislation.
2100News uses the information solely for purposes of its own statistical monitoring of the website usage and does not disclose the information to third parties.
2100News website uses only seed cookies and not cookies of advertising partners. Cookies are small files, which we download to your computer. We use seed cookies only for purposes of determining the number of website visitors and their interest in certain pages in order to improve our services further.
In the case of Subscription to announcements, 2100News also collects the Name, Surname and E-mail of the user. These are used only for purpose of performing the service and informing the users of potential maintenance of service failure. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov), 2100News provides the users the right to have insight into and the right to transcribe, copy, supplement, correct and erase the personal data, which apply to them. The data is stored until the user unsubscribes to the announcements.
Personal data and contact information are not used for any other means and are not disclosed to third parties.