Movers of the Day
Tokens and coins that moved the most in the last 24 hours:
Top movers of the day are U Network and Quant. Since 6 pm U Network has increased by 19.56% and Quant by 18.13%. The others did not make significant moves in the evening. The tokens and coins ended the day in green – not much higher than the day before. Since 6 pm 2100NEWS DA Indexes have not changed much, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
U Network (UUU)
U Network is a revolutionary protocol for publishing and valuing online content that helps online content platforms better align with the interests of their users. It does this by rewarding content creators more for their work, by letting users earn money for predicting popular content, by making it easier to discover high quality content, and by allowing all users to be part of content moderation and governance decisions.
Top movers of the day at 18:10 are Nexty and TaTaTu. Since 1 pm Nexty has fallen by 2.69% while TaTaTu has increased by 9.55%. Happycoin came back to our table. After taking breath and increasing the volume it has surged by 27.08% since 1 pm. There is no strength in the crypto markets to pull tokens and coins up. 2100NEWS DA Indexes turned into red again. The same happened to Bitcoin and Ethereum. Since 1 pm 2100NEWS Digital Assets Bitcoin-Ether Index (NWSBE) which measures the performance of Bitcoin and Ethereum together has decreased by 0.12%.
Happycoin (HPC)
HappyCoin is a virtual currency created for the use of peer-to-peer technology to run with no central authority. The network collectively implements the transactions management and money issue. The coin has purpose of building a future payment platform to be accepted in Thailand firstly and progressively all over the world. Happycoin is created to be a digital currency that is secured, dependable and speedy.
Top movers of the day at 13:10 are Nexty and U Network but both of them have slipped about 3% since the morning. Significant move made ATC Coin which has increased by 13.96% as of 8:20 am. The morning winners Atmos and Happycoin do not have enough volume to put them in the table and they also could not stand on the morning levels. Generally, the tokens and coins managed to climb above the midnight’s levels. Since morning 2100NEWS Digital Assets Total Index (NWST1100) which measures the performance of top 1100 crypto assets by market cap has increased by 0.36% and it is 0.18% higher than at midnight. Bitcoin and Ethereum also turned into green: Bitcoin rose by 0.27% and Ethereum even by 0.86% as of 8:20 am.
Nexty (NTY)
Nexty is a Fintech ecosystem which helps e-commerce and technology startups to raise funds from community. Nexty itself has a cryptocurrency named NTY with various dominant features such as Instant Transfer, Zero Transfer Fees and Dual Crypto Currency.
Top movers of the day at 8:20 are Atmos and Happycoin. Since midnight Atmos has shot up by 136.23%. Happycoin surged yesterday. In general, the tokens and coins still do not show any directions. Since midnight 2100NEWS Digital Assets Total Index (NWST1100) which measures the performance of top 1100 crypto assets by market cap has decreased by 0.18%. A week ago it was only 0.59% higher than today. Bitcoin and Ethereum went down slightly.
Atmos (ATMOS)
Atmos is crypto with the purpose of serving as the primary fuel of the Novusphere blockchain ecosystem. It is a distributed token which can be transferred peer-to-peer between users and is employed within the Novusphere ecosystem.