September 1, 20185min711

Movers of the Day

Tokens that moved the most in the last 24 hours:

Top movers of the day are Debitum Network and Since morning has increased by 27.43% while Debitum Network has risen only by 1.27%. Generally, the tokens rose today except the tokens with market cap from $3 million to $15 million USD. Since morning the tokens with market cap from $0.5 million to $3 million USD have risen the most. 2100NEWS Digital Assets 500 MicroCap Index (NWSMi500) which measure their performance has increased by 5.80%.

DebitumDebitum (DEB)

Debitum Network platform gives users possibility to deposit, invest and withdraw in both fiat and crypto. DEB tokens are used in our ecosystem to pay for services.

Game.comGame.Com (GTC)’s focus is on creating a global gaming and entertainment platform for blockchain digital currencies.

Top movers of the day are Debitum Network and AC3. Since midnight Debitum Network and Storiqa have surged by more than 30%. AC3 made a significant move yesterday evening, in the last few hours it is quite stable. Today, most of the tokens are growing, which also reflects on our 2100NEWS DA Indexes. This morning the most move made the tokens with market cap from $3 million to $15 million USD measured by 2100NEWS Digital Assets 300 SmallCap Index (NWSS300): since midnight it has increased by 9.53%.

AC3AC3 (AC3)

AC3 is the world’s first coin-operating decentralized blockchain payment system exclusively focused on enabling Content Creators, such as educators, influencers and artists in our network to accept digital currency payments directly from their students and followers.

StoriqaStoriqa (STQ)

Storiqa is a marketplace platform designed to allow anyone to create an online store that will make good use of the most advanced technologies in the e-commerce field, including the option to pay for goods with cryptocurrencies and STQ tokens.

Noah CoinNoah Coin (NOAH)

NOAH PROJECT seeks to bring about social innovation through blockchain technology and work to solve the economic disparities around the world. A portion of the project’s proceeds will be donated to charity by our parent organization, NOAH FOUNDATION.

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We are the new economy news hub. 2100NEWS is the professional index, data, and tools provider in the digital asset space, offering Crypto Market Intelligence, providing the perspective you can trust and equipping you with information edge you need to stay ahead. (Real-time data of token issuers and news, analysis and commentary from community.) We are very excited to contribute to the evolution of the industry and build an ecosystem around our offering (the institutional-grade data infrastructure required to enable institutional investments in digital assets). We want our contributions (Contents and Tools on to be useful for helping investors.



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