August 23, 20189min851

Movers of the Day

Tokens that moved the most in the last 24 hours:

Top movers of the day are APIS and Cryptaur. Since 6 pm Ink has risen by 32.92% while the loser of the day Cryptaur has dropped by 5.03%. Bitcoin and Ethereum ended the day with an increase of 1.85%. 2100news Digital Assets Overall Index (NWSOI) also finished the day in green (+2.11%).


BezantBezant (BZNT)

Bezant is a decentralized payment protocol that provides fast, secure, and reliable payment solutions so that people from all over the world could access global digital contents without borders with the Jehmi Platform.

CryptaurCryptaur (CPT)

Cryptaur is a decentralized Ethereum-based ecosystem that will act as a framework for potentially unlimited number of specialized P2P services (dApps) whereby suppliers and consumers of a most diverse range of goods and services can interact directly while increasing the economic efficacy of all transactions being made within the ecosystem.

Top movers of the day at 18:10 are IoTeX and Cryptaur. Since 1 pm Bezant has risen by 7.19% and Bloom by 9.23%. Bloom made its peak at 3 pm today. All-day loser Cryptaur has dropped by 18.50% since the morning. Bitcoin and Ethereum are slightly green, 2100news Digital Assets Overall Index (NWSOI) has also turned into green (+0.48% since 1 pm).



IoTeX is a decentralized network for Internet of Things, powered by a Privacy-Centric Blockchain. Despite its rapid evolution, IoT is still far from reaching mass adoption and lacks “killer applications” that would draw new users to the ecosystem due to issues such as low scalability, high operating cost, privacy concerns and lack of functional values.

Top movers of the day at 13:10 are IoTeX and Cryptaur. Since morning IoTex has increased by 17.35%. Nothing special happened with WABnetwork. Since 8 am it has decreased by 9.37%. This morning was not good for APIS nad Cryptaur. Since 8 am APIS has dropped by 19.51%.  At 13:10 there is no OptiToken because it  did not reach a sufficiently large volume. Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently slightly lower than they were in the morning. 2100news Digital Assets Overall Index (NWSOI) is also red (-0.21).

The AbyssThe Abyss (ABYSS)

The Abyss is a next-generation digital distribution platform, delivering all types of video games (Free2play MMOs and cryptogames being a key priority), including AAA-titles, to the fast-growing global game community


DADI is a global, decentralized cloud platform, focused on the provision of web services to help you build, scale and grow your digital products. With DADI there is no single authority that regulates computing resource distribution.

Top movers of the day at 8:10 am are OptiToken and Swarm. Since midnight Swarm has increased by 16.10% while OptiToken has fallen by 1.83%. Last night WABnetwork announced a listing of two pairs at Digifinex Exchange. Let’s see how will this affect its price. Since midnight Bitcoin and Ethereum are also green. Over the same period 2100news Digital Assets Overall Index (NWSOI) increased by 1.09%.

OptiTokenOptiToken (OPTI)

An algorithmically traded hyperdefationary cryptocurrency.

SwarmSwarm (SWM)

Swarm Fund is the blockchain for private equity. It’s a fully decentralized capital market place that democratizes investing by using the power of the blockchain to open up high-return, alternative investment classes to smaller investors through asset-backed funds using cryptocurrency tokens.

WABnetworkWABnetwork (WAB)

WABnetwork network is a 5.0 Blockchain with outstanding features, a completed decentralization blockchain with remarkable speed up to hundreds of millions of transactions per second. WAB provides an answer to the question of scalabiity facing several blockchains.


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