January 23, 20182min891

Cargox ICO sold out in just 3minutes

CargoX ICO was sold out today in just 3minutes. Gas prices went through the roof during the ICO, as their recommended 400 000 gas limit was clearly not even remotely enough to have your transaction confirmed. It felt like trying to buy Wimbledon tickets on Ticketmaster all over again to be honest.

The gas cost required to get confirmed went up 10 times the recommended value. One investor paid 0.835 ETH for 5ETH he invested, which is roughly 17% of the total investment.

Just when we though the ICO mania couldn’t get any crazier, we were proven wrong once again.

Quite a few of us tried to invest personally here at 2100news.com, but our transactions didn’t go through, as we didn’t anticipate such high gas prices.

Cargox ICO

We sincerely hope that the project will be successful long term and live up to the hype. This is clearly a sign that the ICO era is far from over, even if the exchanges have been fairly quiet as of late.

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We are the new economy news hub. 2100NEWS is the professional index, data, and tools provider in the digital asset space, offering Crypto Market Intelligence, providing the perspective you can trust and equipping you with information edge you need to stay ahead. (Real-time data of token issuers and news, analysis and commentary from community.) We are very excited to contribute to the evolution of the industry and build an ecosystem around our offering (the institutional-grade data infrastructure required to enable institutional investments in digital assets). We want our contributions (Contents and Tools on 2100NEWS.com) to be useful for helping investors.



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